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What Are The Symptoms Associated with PCOS?

Common Symptoms With Known Causes:

  • Hair Loss (Androgenic Alopecia)
  • Weight Gain, especially around the abdomen
  • Increased Facial & Body Hair
  • Amenorrhoea (no menstrual periods)
  • Oligomenorrhoea (infrequent menstrual periods)
  • Infertility
  • Lack of Energy

Less Common Symptoms That Have Been Linked to PCOS:

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10 comments to Symptoms

  • I wonder if there is any link to the toxic products we use every day and if there is a link to hormones from our foods?

  • Do you know if any research has been done in the area pertaining to adding hormones to the beef, chicken, eggs and dairy we eat?

    I know I do better if I stay away from the commercial brands and then certain times of the month I stay away from milk, eggs and such. Even soy has an affect on me that is not positive.

    Seems like there is always something being added to this or that without finding out the long term affects.

    Glad you have this site and that you are helping others. Our main concern has been the immune system and excema. We all need to keep learning.

    Thanks for the information.

  • Julie thank you for your comment. I expect you are right. I am not aware of any definitive studies in this area other than the recent findings regarding steroid hormones in mice which I reported here, however it would not surprise me in the slightest if future research confirms negative effects from toxic chemicals in our food and environment.

    Certainly for women with steroid hormone imbalances such as those with PCOS, it is very good advice to minimise as best you can any additional exposure to steroids and prohormones from food and environmental sources.

    The experts seem to be quite polarised in their opinions on soy. Some swear by it, others warn you to stay well away from it unless it is fermented.

    It is very hard to know what is safe in the long term these days … we have come so far in terms of research and development of new chemicals and chemical combinations, yet so little testing of the medium and long term side effects has been done.

    I’m glad you’ve found some useful information on my site, Julie and I hope you’ll keep checking back for new additions.

    All the best,


  • an

    Hi, are you able to respond to my questions on the DCI page?

  • Hi An,
    I’ve replied to your questions via email, as the response was quite lengthy and I can’t approve all the comments I get. I try and put up the questions that most people seem to want answered.
    Maybe check your spam folder? I’ve sent the reply through again from a different email address. Let me know if it doesn’t come through.
    Kind regards,

  • You’re welcome. Did the email come through OK?

  • an

    Yes I did, and thanks for the flyer too :-)

  • Gemma

    hiyah, has there been much reported on pain? Im really suffering with cramps, not menstrual. Im newly diagnosed but the doctors ignored my pcos for three years. Even when I gained over 100lbs with no change in lifestyle I was told to watch what I eat lol! I feel a bit abandoned and hopeless right now! Docs are quick to diagnose but dont really want to help! xx

  • My PCOS Info

    Hi Gemma,

    I am so sorry to hear you have had a hard time getting good medical advice. It is, sadly, such a common story in relation to PCOS. I had a similar experience to yourself, even working in the industry! Fortunately awareness of PCOS is improving, but that doesn’t help when you encounter such unhelpful healthcare workers yourself.

    The official party line is that PCOS by itself does not cause any sort of lower abdominal pain, however, my clinical experience, and my own personal experience, would seem to contradict this. Some women suffer quite bad ovarian pain, others appear to experience discomfort from an overgrown endometrial lining when periods are few and far between which resolves after a period.

    The bottom line is that research into PCOS is only in its infancy and there is a lot we are yet to learn about the syndrome.

    Have you ruled out endometriosis? It commonly accompanies PCOS and can certainly cause pain, particularly around menstruation but not necessarily menstrual cramps. If your ovaries are enlarged, as is commonly the case in PCOS, then the pressure they are exerting on surrounding structures may be causing discomfort. The inflammation associated with enlarged ovaries may also be causing a degree of pain. There also appears to be somewhat of a link between dietary intolerances, such as to gluten or dairy, in women with PCOS. If the cramps are more intestinal in nature then this might be something you could investigate.

    There are two things I have come across that make a significant difference in PCOS, and I take both of them:

    D-chiro inositol and N-acetyl cysteine. I am in the process of writing up a page on NAC, but haven’t got there yet. The link will work when I finally publish the page.

    NAC is a component of a new product called Glucorein, which I reviewed last month. It also contains chlorogenic acid, the active ingredient in green coffee bean extracts which helps with weight loss and insulin sensitivity. DCI, NAC and Glucorein have all been found to help women with PCOS lose weight.

    If you are having trouble finding helpful and reliable information on PCOS, I recently published a series entitled 20 simple steps you can take to control PCOS which you might find is a good place to start.

    If you have any questions please let me know. I’m here to help.

    All the best,


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