In some cases, when PCOS fails to respond adequately to non-invasive treatments such as dietary modifications, nutritional & herbal supplementation & pharmaceutical drugs and pregnancy is desired, a procedure called ovarian diathermy or ovarian resection may be considered to temporarily facilitate ovulation and increase the chances of a window of fertility. This video is an example of the diathermy version of the procedure. The mechanical drilling version should not be performed any more as diathermy is more accurate and cauterises damaged tissue as it goes.
The procedure does not change the underlying mechanism of the syndrome which caused the follicles (cysts) in the first place, nor will it prevent further cystic follicles from developing in the future. Complications from the surgery include the development of adhesions post-operatively which can cause long-term pain and reduced fertility, as well as the risks and complications which can arise from any surgery or anaesthetic.
OMG! That looks awfully painful! What would the outcome be? Can you become pregnant after this type of surgery?
It doesn’t look particularly good does it? Many women have lifelong problems with adhesions which develop as a result of the surgery, however, it is actually a treatment to increase a woman’s fertility if she has PCOS. It has very variable success rates however, some women have become pregnant as a result of this surgery. It is now considered old-fashioned though and cutting edge research has provided more effective treatments with less risk.
D Chiro Inositol is the more modern, less invasive treatment for PCOS which has had much better results at increasing fertility (ovulation and conception rates) for women with PCOS and with no known side effects. Find out more at